From Mtc
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- ADVRider thread on welding.
- Miller Resources Section, lots of info.
- Lincoln site on education materials and resources
- WeldingWeb.com recommended in several places, lots of info.
- Miller Single Phase MIG unit comparison
- Seems like the Multimatic 200 at $2000 could be one of the better suited MIG setups and it'll do TIG as well. ...tho the Millermatic series will run harder and at a lower MSRP than the Multimatic, but they're only 220.
Plasma Cutter
- Spectrum® 625 X-TREME™ with XT40 Torch $1807 MSRP.
- This is probably the burliest unit that'll still run 110/220, next unit up is 240 only and runs $2785.
- Miller Dynasty 200 base msrp of $3900 and full pimp package (951397) runs $6900 msrp. This would probably be plenty machine but you can move up from there to the 280 and 350. Sakurama has the Dynasty 200.
- Miller TIG PDF