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**[https://www.foxcreekleather.com/products/777-grayson-motorcycle-jacket Grayson] for $462, made in US and lifetime warranty.
**[https://www.foxcreekleather.com/products/777-grayson-motorcycle-jacket Grayson] for $462, made in US and lifetime warranty.
**[https://www.foxcreekleather.com/products/1-vented-racing-jacket Vented Racing Jacket] $462, made in US, lifetime warranty.
**[https://www.foxcreekleather.com/products/1-vented-racing-jacket Vented Racing Jacket] $462, made in US, lifetime warranty.
*[http://www.vansonleathers.com Vanson]
**[http://www.vansonleathers.com/prod-Continental_Daytona_Jacket-582.aspx Continental Daytona] $729
**[http://www.vansonleathers.com/prod-Technical_Hardcore-467.aspx Technical Hardcore] $769 ... might be little on the flashy side for me, lots seams.
**[http://www.vansonleathers.com/prod-COBRA_Mark2-307.aspx Cobra Mark2] $749
**[http://www.vansonleathers.com/prod-MK2_Sportrider-332.aspx Mark2 Sport Rider] $679
*[http://www.schottnyc.com/store/men/jackets Schott]
*[http://www.schottnyc.com/store/men/jackets Schott]
**[http://www.schottnyc.com/products/classic-schott-racer-leather-motorcycle.htm?catID=5 HorseHide Classic Racer] $750
**[http://www.schottnyc.com/products/classic-schott-racer-leather-motorcycle.htm?catID=5 HorseHide Classic Racer] $750

Revision as of 14:30, 2 October 2014


  • Marathon Stretch Kevlar Jacket Black.
    • All "internal/hidden/flush-mount" pockets (Remove cargo pockets).
      • Left and right chest pockets vertical entry, handwarmers both vertical zipper or slight angle.
      • Pocket openings sized for gloved hand entry?
      • hand warmer pockets on the big side.
    • Keep the Internal chest pocket
    • Add Left arm zippered pocket
    • Add Emergency info pocket
    • keep the zippered arm vents
    • Add reflective on sleeves (color options?)
    • Silver or gray narrow reflective stripping where used.
    • I'd like to minimize jacket flare from the waist to the hips.
    • Quad armor
    • May end up w/ heated liner so include zippers for those.
    • No Adventure Package (I'll use own pack/bladder)
    • Debating the removable Leatte Neck Brace option.
  • Ultra II Kevlar Pant Black.
    • Gussetted crotch in pants.
    • Velcro suspenders.
    • Quad armor upgrade
    • Quad Sacrum Armor
    • Keep thigh cargo pockets
      • Are the cargo pockets zippered?
      • Add leg reflection, routed under cargo pockets?
      • Pocket openings sized for gloved hand entry?
    • ?any option to have lower profile hip pockets?
    • ?Are the hip pockets zippered under the flaps?
  • Kevlar Racing Glove Black. L or XL?
  • Kevlar Winter Glove
  • I saw a pair of non-gauntlet kevlar gloves when I visited, how much are those and is there any way of getting a pair w/ burlier strap to prevent loss in an off?





Sounds like the Gaerne boots fit a wider foot, the SG10 size 9 fit me pretty well. The size 9 in the Balance Oiled seemed a hair tight and narrower in the foot-box, especially across the ball of my foot. Chances are I won't fit the Sidi boots at all w/ my EEE foot.


  • AlpineStar SP3, xl.





  • Really didn't like how the Rukka fit, was too tight in the shoulders and loose in the gut.
  • Rukka Armas Jacket $1300 (I probably fit a size 52 in Rukka based on how the 50 and 54 Airway fit).
  • Rukka Armas Pants $900
  • Rukka Armaxion Jacket $1000
  • Rukka Armaxion Pants $800
  • Rukka Airway... decided against the Airway, made really well and looks nice but the combo liner thing just doesn't seem necessary. The Airman is cheaper and probably more versatile.
  • Dainese Razon Leather $500 at RevZilla, expected by June 30, 2014. ...20140209 Ordered a size 54 Razon from MotoGear.

Jacket/Pants (probably black, size Large jacket, 32-long pant): Pretty sure I'm gonna go w/ KLIM stuff, seems really well made (in the US) and they've got a wide range. I'd probably go w/ black.

Currently thinking the Klim Traverse jacket and pant (does not include armor):

But there're options up and down in price from those... some w/ more and some w/ less armor and/or durability...

Step up from the Traverse is the Overland (includes armor so actually less than the Traverse if you want armor):


Klim Lattitude, lighter than the Badland:

...and then up another notch to the Klim Badlands Pro jacket/pant more for the 1190 type of riding (includes armor):

and then something simpler, more for MX but still useful for other stuff: