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==Small Living Spaces General Info==
* http://tinyhouseblog.com/tiny-house/the-technology-of-the-tiny-house/
* http://tinyhouseblog.com/tiny-house-concept/tiny-reevolitions-kitchen/#more-28742
* [http://www.motherearthnews.com/diy/build-a-homemade-camping-trailer-zmaz82jazgoe.aspx#axzz2ZtV83TYz Home Made Camping Trailer]  Good for some ideas on a renovation.
* [http://tinyhousepins.com/tiny-airstream-living/ Tiny Airstream Living Blog]
==Airstream stuff==
* Driveway is 23' 9" from inside of gate to garage door front.
* Airstream 22FB Sport is 21' 8" outside dims.
[http://airstream.com/ Aistream Home Page].
[http://airstream.com/ Aistream Home Page].
Google search [https://www.google.com/search?aq=2&oq=22fb+&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=22fb+airstream+sport 22fb airstream sport] gives lots of options on pricing and used...
[http://www.canamrv.ca/ CanAmRV] Good site w/ lots of [http://www.canamrv.ca/towing/ towing] experience, esp w/ alternate vehicles and [http://www.canamrv.ca/hitch-hints/ Hitch Hints] by Andy Thomson.
[http://www.timelesstraveltrailers.com/ Timeless Travel Trailers] does really nice custom rebuild/refits/new buids on Airstreams plus others.  And they'll build custom from a new shell, or gut an existing for full rebuild.
[http://www.mintageairstreams.com/ Mintage Airstreams] another high end retrofitter and supposedly offering standard packages soon.
[http://www.vintageairstream.com/ Vintage Airstream].
[http://www.airstreamclassifieds.com/ Airstream Classifieds].
[http://www.airstreamclassifieds.com/ Airstream Classifieds].
[http://www.vintageairstream.com/ Vintage Airstream].
===Blogs/Forums and DIY Renovations===
*[http://www.loloho.com LoLoHo.com] Couple deep into all things Airstream.
*[http://hofarc.com/folio/airstream-renovations/ Hoffmann Architecture] Nice examples of high end renovations.  Nice teak floor bathroom.
[http://www.airstreamfever.com/ Airstreamfever blog of a nice renovation]
* [http://www.airstreamfever.com/?p=313 Some good info] on heating and water heater.
* Precision Temp RV-500 Water Heater.
* Dickenson propane marine fireplace.
[http://www.airforums.com/ Forums].
[http://www.airforums.com/ Forums].
*[http://www.airforums.com/forums/f463/is-towing-6000-lbs-with-a-diesel-overkill-59601-6.html Is Towing 6000lbs w/ a diesel overkill?] No definitive answer here.
[http://www.trailerlife.com/ TrailerLife.com]
[http://www.trailerlife.com/ TrailerLife.com]
Line 12: Line 45:
[http://www.airstreamcentral.com/ Airstream Central].
[http://www.airstreamcentral.com/ Airstream Central].
*[http://www.airstreamcentral.com/articles/35/1/Choosing-The-Right-Size-Airstream/Page1.html Choosing the right size...]
*[http://www.airstreamcentral.com/articles/35/1/Choosing-The-Right-Size-Airstream/Page1.html Choosing the right size...]
[http://www.bowlusroadchief.com/ Bowlus Road Chief]
* Nice floor plan w/ great ideas.  Too expensive tho.
==Trucks and Towing==
* [http://rvtowingtips.com/ RV Towing Tips]
* [www.toyota.com Toyota] Tacoma
**Trim Standard Bed, Access Cab, 4x4, 4.0-Liter V6 , 5-Speed Automatic $25,935
**TRD Sport Package with Options $4,450
**Colors Exterior: Silver Streak Mica
**Interior: Graphite Fabric - Sport Seats
***All-Weather Floor Mats [26] (2Q) $100
***Paint Protection Film [26] (3P) $395
***Front Skid Plate [26] (S0) $205
***Towing Receiver Hitch [26] (DH) $550
***Running Boards [26] (R1) $376
***Total Accessories: $1,626
*&Delivery, Processing & Handling Fee $810
**MSRP* $32,821
* Toyota Tundra ... around $37K for Standard Bed, Double Cab, 4x4, 5.7-Liter V8 w/6 Speed Auto , Tundra, 6-Speed Automatic $31,805  with TRD Off-Road Package with Options  $3,960 , all weather floor mats for $100 and Paint Protection Film for $495.
* GMC Sierra gas
** [http://www.gmc.com/sierra-2500hd-pickup-truck/build-your-own.html?x-zipcode=93101#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@ GMC Build yer own].
** [http://www.chevrolet.com/tools/byo/byoCustomizeVehicle.do?year=2012&brand=silverado2500hd&pvc=81231&zipCode=93101 Build Yer Own Chevy]
** [http://www.costcoauto.com/new_cars/buildvehicle.aspx?trimid=331319&tab=review Costco Review of GMC Sierra 2500HD]
* GMC Sierra diesel
** [http://www.chevrolet.com/tools/byo/byoCustomizeVehicle.do?year=2012&brand=silverado2500hd&pvc=81231&zipCode=93101 Build Yer Own Chevy]

Latest revision as of 11:49, 8 February 2015

Small Living Spaces General Info

Airstream stuff


  • Driveway is 23' 9" from inside of gate to garage door front.
  • Airstream 22FB Sport is 21' 8" outside dims.


Aistream Home Page.

Google search 22fb airstream sport gives lots of options on pricing and used...

CanAmRV Good site w/ lots of towing experience, esp w/ alternate vehicles and Hitch Hints by Andy Thomson.

Timeless Travel Trailers does really nice custom rebuild/refits/new buids on Airstreams plus others. And they'll build custom from a new shell, or gut an existing for full rebuild.

Mintage Airstreams another high end retrofitter and supposedly offering standard packages soon.

Vintage Airstream.

Airstream Classifieds.

Blogs/Forums and DIY Renovations

Airstreamfever blog of a nice renovation

  • Some good info on heating and water heater.
  • Precision Temp RV-500 Water Heater.
  • Dickenson propane marine fireplace.



Airstream Central.

Bowlus Road Chief

  • Nice floor plan w/ great ideas. Too expensive tho.

Trucks and Towing

  • [www.toyota.com Toyota] Tacoma
    • Trim Standard Bed, Access Cab, 4x4, 4.0-Liter V6 , 5-Speed Automatic $25,935
    • TRD Sport Package with Options $4,450
    • Colors Exterior: Silver Streak Mica
    • Interior: Graphite Fabric - Sport Seats
    • Accessories:
      • All-Weather Floor Mats [26] (2Q) $100
      • Paint Protection Film [26] (3P) $395
      • Front Skid Plate [26] (S0) $205
      • Towing Receiver Hitch [26] (DH) $550
      • Running Boards [26] (R1) $376
      • Total Accessories: $1,626
  • &Delivery, Processing & Handling Fee $810
    • MSRP* $32,821
  • Toyota Tundra ... around $37K for Standard Bed, Double Cab, 4x4, 5.7-Liter V8 w/6 Speed Auto , Tundra, 6-Speed Automatic $31,805 with TRD Off-Road Package with Options $3,960 , all weather floor mats for $100 and Paint Protection Film for $495.